A Timeless Accessory: The Tie and Types of Knots
In the world of fashion there are some accessories that need special attention if you want to look elegant and pleasant on any occasion. We are talking about the tie, a well-known and used accessory in men’s clothing but which is often not given due importance. Here is article on ”A Timeless Accessory: The Tie and Types of Knots”
In reality it is the tie itself, especially on special occasions, that takes on a leading role, but be careful!… to give it the attention it deserves, it is important not to overlook the way it is worn and above all how the “infamous ” node.
Tie the tie knot
The ability to know how to make a correct tie knot is something that every man should have. Yet even if the tie is one of the most common accessories for men’s clothing. Not everyone is able to make it perfectly or vary with the various types of nodes that exist.
Did you know that? There are more than 85 different knots for wearing a tie. And it is chosen based on the right occasion (work, wedding, ceremony).
So we can say that tie and knot represent the quintessential feature of the elegant man. In this article we will talk about this detail and what it is important to know to ensure that the chosen knot is suitable for the occasion, the fabric and also the height of the wearer.
To identify the perfect node it is essential to identify:
- The width of the tie;
- The width of the fabric;
- The texture of the interior.
The Tie and Types of Knots
The first base from which to start is first of all to close the top button of the shirt and turn the whole collar upwards. Subsequently, after tying the knot, the advice is to make it rise well up and tighten it, hiding the collar tab and the top button of the shirt. One key thing: check that the wide front part of the tie is just the right length. It should reach slightly above the belt buckle. Finally lower the collar of the shirt and the game is done.
Now we know the most common knots of a tie:
- The Windsor Knot;
- The Half Windsor;
- Little Windsor;
- Simple Windsor;
The Windsor knot (also called Scappino)
This is the quintessential British style knot inspired by the Duke of Windsor. Although the Duke did not use this specific knot, however, he used to use a similar type of knot with large and triangular characteristics. Its appearance took place at the beginning of the 20th century with the very aim of imitating the style of this type of “royal” knot. Its founder was Domenico Scappino. The Windsor is a triangular knot, with a symmetrical look. And very suitable for shirts with a French collar or in any case wide open since the space required is a lot.
The perfect knot for special occasions, therefore used with elegant and not too thick ties (like silk). A detail that characterizes this knot is the number of knots that it requires for its realization. So much so that it is often difficult to reach the ideal length afterwards. So to make no mistake, if you want to make this type of knot it is essential to choose a long enough tie or wear a waistcoat.
The Half Windsor Knot
Similar to the Windsor knot with the difference in thickness and its ease of making it thanks to the steps that are much less. Precisely for this last detail, this tie can also be worn every day. Unlike the previous one, this knot will be asymmetrical. Also a slippery fabric is recommended for this type of knot.
Small Windsor knot
Very practical to make for every day and is particularly suitable for tall men with a long bust and a wide neck. It is ideal for shirts with narrow collars and fairly thick ties. Given its defect of creasing ties, it is recommended to use silk ties weighing more than 70 grams.
Simple Windsor knot
This is the most classic knot; very simple to make and for this reason it is also the most used. It adapts very well to all shirt collars. It is narrow with thin ties and wider with thicker ones, with a conical and elongated appearance.
Here I wrap this article ”A Timeless Accessory: The Tie and Types of Knots”. These are the most common nodes and already knowing them all is a great achievement. Now all what’s left is to try out each knot style.
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