
Beware of Toxic Fashion

Beware of Toxic Fashion

Beware of Toxic Fashion

Did you know that the clothes and the other stuffs like accessories and shoes you wear all day can be dangerous for your health? Due to fast fashion trends we are leading towards unhealthy lifestyle. Also the latest fashion trends can lead us to terrible future. If you want to know how this is happening read this article ”Beware of Toxic Fashion” for more information!


The textile industry and chemicals

The textile industry and chemicals

The textile industry uses many chemical substances and, among these, most are toxic to the environment and human health: during the production process. In fact, these substances are dispersed into the environment and as many remain on the garment. ‘clothing. Then coming into contact with our skin with the risk of increasing the percentage of tumors, allergies and dermatitis.


But are they really that bad?

fashion materials

According to a study by Sidapa (Italian Society of Professional and Environmental Dermatology and Allergology). In Italy about 10% of allergic contact dermatitis are caused by toxic substances found on clothing. We are talking about 700,000 people). in more serious cases for over 70% was caused by fabrics, 17% by metal accessories and 13% by shoes.
Often, the link between dermatitis and clothing is still underestimated because the skin reactions are mild. And disappear shortly after removing the garment and therefore these symptoms are often attributed to other factors such as, for example, insect bites.


But which are the most and least “dangerous” fabrics?

Most of the clothing products that large retailers offer for sale are made with synthetic fabrics, i.e. those deriving from petroleum, treated with various quantities of chemical products. Materials made with synthetic fabrics (polyester, nylon, polyamide, lycra…) are certainly at greater risk as they prevent perspiration, irritating the skin with perspiration. These fabrics do not retain the molecules of the dyes therefore they can discolor and release chemical residues on people’s skin. Also beware of technical fabrics that may contain heavy metals such as lead or nickel.
The fibers with the least risks are natural ones such as cotton, preferably organic, silk and linen.

Organic cotton is the fiber par excellence, recommended for the treatment of skin diseases. The products made with this fiber are free of toxic substance residues. Therefore the garment is healthier, and breathable, thus allowing for an ideal microclimate for our skin.

The garments which, in general, have been involved in skin pathologies are t-shirts, tights, leggings, shirts and underwear.


And our materials?

It is very important for us to protect the environment and to offer ecological products, therefore made with natural, organic or recycled materials.
When we choose a product, we first select the company. We make sure that those who produce our products care about the environment and workers’ rights. We then select items made of cotton, organic cotton or natural materials. Such as the natural bamboo wood used for our sunglasses recycled or recyclable. We are sure that our customers will wear ecological clothing that is not harmful to their health: all products. In fact, have all the certifications attesting it (find out at this link all our certifications).


Environment and corporate sustainability: a global and structural crisis

The profound crisis in which we find ourselves today is characterized by many aspects which make speaking of a purely economic/social crisis an understatement. In fact, if we consider the climate, social, energy, political and ecological situation. We cannot fail to speak of a global and structural crisis. It is therefore necessary to implement a radical change in behavior and habits. Both from a social and business point of view, to find a solution for the good of the environment and for living beings.
The United Nations Global Agenda for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030) has drafted the Sustainable Development Goals. With priority given to these 3 international objectives: environmental protection, fight against poverty and hunger, eradication of inequalities.


Do you know what is corporate sustainability?

Fundamental, in relation to environmental sustainability, is the cultural change in the business world. Until a few years ago, there was the belief that the commitment to the environment was part of a sort of corporate “social responsibility”, with ethical and moral implications: today, however, many




I hope this article helped you to what’s better for us and for our future. So better be aware of what you are wearing, using and buying, beware of toxic fashion. Try to buy and use more and more 100% recycled-organic-sustainable fabric and products. Teach yourself, your kids and friends & family members to buy less and buy better. You can buy fashion products for your special occasions but try to avoid frequent purchase.

Do visit URS FASHION to get customized products as per your preference and size.



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